


VP, Global Franchise Head, Lung Cancer, 肿瘤学 Business Unit, AstraZeneca

2021年秋天, I found myself receiving the same news countless of my own patients had received in the past: It was 癌症.

As a medical oncologist, I thought I knew what to expect from a breast 癌症 diagnosis. 从临床医生的角度来看, 我的第一反应是:“这个案子看起来很简单. 我很幸运发现得早,而且很有可能治愈. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐只需要再了解一些事实, 然后澳门第一赌城在线娱乐就可以制定出治疗方案并开始治疗.” Accepting the fact that I was now a patient, well, that was a pathway I was less sure about.


就在我确诊之后, I focused my attention on working with my healthcare team to determine the best possible care for my 癌症. 作为一名肿瘤学家, I felt incredibly fortunate that I had a strong understanding of both my disease, 预后和医疗系统如何运作. 我脑子里有一个治疗计划的大纲, and was starting to think about which week or two I might have to take off from work to complete the course of treatment, 这样我就能恢复正常的生活和工作了.

但是癌症有它自己的计划. The first stumbling block came when I found out that due to multifocal breast 癌症, 我需要的是乳房切除术,而不是乳房肿瘤切除术. This meant that reconstructive surgery was now a consideration and the treatment plan evolved. 我第一次手术后出现了一个严重的并发症, 这意味着几周后又要做一次意外的手术. 手术后, I experienced significant side effects from my medications and the treatment plan evolved again. 治疗方案在不断发展, 这意味着我要不断调整自己的期望. 最后,我在10个月内接受了5次手术, 没有辐射, hormone therapy) was very different from the initial plan in my head (one surgery, 放射治疗都是在头几个月内完成的, 然后是激素治疗). 我在这种失控中挣扎, but it was easier to adapt as I understood the medical reasons for all the changes and could be an active participant in the decision making. 我从其他女性那里听到了她们的个人挣扎, 而这到底有多难, 具有挑战性的, 这段经历让他们感到困惑和恐惧. 尤其是那些没有科学背景的人, 对那些不知道如何自我辩护的人的支持很少, 或者在某些情况下, 他们说话的时候没人听. These experiences revealed to me the fundamental importance and positive impact improvements in delivery of care can have on patients and their families, 不管他们住在哪里, 因为他们正在经历人生中最大的挑战之一.



来处理我失控的感觉, I started focusing on living in the moment – which has quite a different meaning to me since my diagnosis. 而不是坐着担心下次手术, I’d hobble out to the garden or open the window and listen to the birds sing. 我转向大自然. 我向家人、朋友和我的狗求助. 统计数据告诉我,我从癌症中存活下来的机会非常大. Yet months later, I experience moments of terror that I might not have long to live. 我的时间可能很有限. And this is fuelling within me a new urgency to give patients as much of that time back as possible through bringing forward innovative treatment options and addressing barriers to treatment.


经历过癌症诊断的两面, 在我作为肿瘤学家的工作和作为病人的经历中, has strengthened my passion and resolve to push the boundaries of science and delivery of 癌症 care to benefit patients in need.

Since I started at AstraZeneca, I’ve worked across a variety of tumour types and stages of disease. I’ve been fortunate to work on – and benefit from – some of the incredible strides made in the treatment of breast 癌症. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在筛查方面取得的进步, science and care for breast 癌症 are truly remarkable and have given the patient community so much hope. I now carry that same hope into my new role leading the Lung Franchise at AstraZeneca, the hope of transforming what it means to be diagnosed with one of the deadliest forms of this disease – lung 癌症.

Until very recently, lung 癌症 was seen by many as an automatic death sentence. But several innovative medicines have resulted in incredible advances in recent years that are changing the trajectory of this terrible disease. 例如, 通过澳门第一赌城在线娱乐对肿瘤驱动因素和耐药性(TDR)的研究, we’re developing lung 癌症 therapies that target the genetic mutations and resistance mechanisms that enable 癌症 cells to evade treatment, 生存和繁殖.Our team is tackling the tough questions: How can we target multiple biological pathways simultaneously and combat lung 癌症 as it evolves at every stage? 哪些药物组合可能对大多数患者有益? 实际上, how can we keep the disease under control for as long as possible so that people with lung 癌症 have as much time as possible?

我非常感激我的癌症得到了早期诊断, 因此, 我希望所有的癌症患者都能有同样的经历. If we want to improve lung 癌症 mortality, we need to diagnose the disease at the earliest stage. This is foundational to our ambition that a cure for lung 癌症 – the leading cause of 癌症 death worldwide – could be within reach.2 这就是澳门第一赌城在线娱乐领导全球努力推动筛查的原因, 肺癌在世界范围内的早期发现和治疗.

在我两年前确诊之前, I could have never imagined the depth my understanding of 癌症 could reach nor the impact it would have on my life, 无论是在家里还是在工作中. I could had never fathomed how the experience of living with this disease could transform, 提升和更新我为肿瘤社区服务的使命感. I am proud to be leading a team focused on bringing innovative medicines to lung 癌症 patients, ensuring patients can get the care they deserve regardless of background or geography, 并推动全球肺癌筛查,以便有一天, 治愈肺癌或许真的是可能的.

米卡的故事是澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在进行的系列节目的一部分: 肿瘤学先驱, which spotlights colleagues on the AstraZeneca 肿瘤学 team who are making an impact, 无论是个人还是职业.



1. 美国癌症协会. 基因改变与癌症. 可在:http://www.癌症.org/癌症/understanding-癌症/genes-and-癌症/gene-changes.html. 2023年6月访问.

2. 世界卫生组织. 世界癌症简报. 可在:http://gco.研究.fr /今天/数据/资料/数量/ 900 -世界-事实表.pdf. 2023年6月访问. 

Veeva ID: Z4-55593


  • 肿瘤学